OrmFactory is a visual desktop data model editor integrated with your ORM. It is tool for single developers and teams, data architect or devops.

What OrmFactory is
- Visual database concept design tool
- Source code generator for your own ORM
- Data management system
- Everyday tool for software developers
How it works
OrmFactory uses model-first approach instead of code-first or database-first. Model-first allows you to store additional information about data structure like virtual foreign keys (including multitable FK), type conversion hints, named-in-code rows etc.
Just edit your db structure and run all generators by pressing F5. Yes, you can use multiple generators on same project.
Supported databases
Database | Status |
MySql | Supported |
PostgreSQL | Supported |
MSSQL | Planned feb'25 |
Oracle | Planned apr'25 |
Integrated light data management system
Integrated data management system allows you to edit stored data in same place where you edit data structure.
- Fast data fetch. Warning: fast data fetch means fast memory consumption.
- Low memory consumption.
- Fast data grid. Grid can scroll millions lines without freezing (if you have enough memory). No matter how many columns do you have.
- Intelligent autocomplete system. Autocomplete based on data model.
- Multiline editor with XML and JSON syntax highlighting
- "Prettify-on-the-fly" feature for minified JSON
- Spatial data types support
- "Tooltip on linked entity" feature